The Dublin Commuter Coalition have produced their general election manifesto which calls on the next Government to take a position of leadership on transport in the capital city.
The document sets out what the next Government should do upon immediately reaching office, key policies, legislation, and infrastructure projects that they should deliver, and what they must begin planning to do for the next decade.
The list includes fast tracking of all rail infrastructure projects in the county, accelerating the delivery of the NTA's LUAS 2050 vision, and implementation of the All Island Strategic Rail Review. Appropriate levels of walking and cycling infrastructure included in all transport projects as standard. Reform or disbanding of the RSA. Establishment of a dedicated transport policing unit within An Garda Síochána. A reimagination of pedestrians priority on our roads. A €30 all-inclusive multi-modal transit ticket, and a fundamental expansion in the states provision for those with mobility or visual impairments.
This manifesto was presented to Junior Minister for Transport James Lawless at Leinster House today by the Committee members of the Dublin Commuter Coalition, and will be delivered to the policy directors of all major political parties contesting the next General Election in the coming days.

Left to right: Mícheál Halton, Jason Cullen, Minister James Lawless, Connor Barry
Jason Cullen, chairperson of Dublin Commuter Coalition said: "The next Government will need to invest heavily in all sustainable modes of transport over the lifetime of the next Dail in order to avoid a stagnant city. Proper provision of public & active transport is the path to an equal society, one where everyone has the same ability to access the city, regardless of their level of mobility.
For far too long, Commuters have been left waiting, not only for their bus, tram, train, or Luas, but also for true Leadership on sustainable travel from Government. Whilst we have had the occasional reprieve of Transport Ministers' who manage to move the needle, the time has come for a whole of Government approach that finally delivers the change that Dublin has been waiting for.
This manifesto is a ready made blueprint that can be adopted by all political parties who want to bring real improvements to peoples lives, reduce their journey times, improve their civic spaces, and bring about a more climate friendly, & healthier Dublin."
Dublin Commuter Coalition will be scrutinising all candidates and parties in the run up to the General Election, reviewing all parties & candidates transport policies and voting records, with the aim of giving voters the best information on sound transport thinking before they head to the polling station.