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Let the Public be Heard and do not Politicise this Process

Writer's picture: Dublin Commuter CoalitionDublin Commuter Coalition

PRESS RELEASE - 22 October 2019

Dublin Commuter Coalition wholeheartedly welcomes the release of the second draft of the Bus Connects Network Redesign.

The proposal is massive, complex and detailed and so we will be taking the time to study all aspects of it thoroughly. We will be discussing the redesign at our Annual General Meeting on Saturday October 26th at 3pm at the Teachers Club, Parnell Square which commuters and bus users are welcome to attend to find out more of voice their concerns.

Initial reaction from members of the Coalition is positive, we welcome the increased level of Peak Time services and the use of the Port Tunnel and sections of Motorway to provide these services, giving Dubliners high speed bus services.

This revised proposal meets many of the objectives of the first, providing a simplified network, reducing bus congestion at city centre pinch points whilst also addressing many of the issues raised from members of the public.

However, we cannot support the proposed phased implementation of the new network. It is not a good idea to ask Dubliners to constantly relearn the network several times over the space of three years, when the alternative is to just learn one new network once.

As mentioned, this proposal is vast and complex, Dublin Commuter Coalition asks that public representatives and media outlets present only factually correct information and to seek guidance when attempting to understand this proposal or attempting to inform the public, as during the last consultation period misinformation was rife.

This network will be the corner stone of how Dubliners travel for decades to come, we all deserve the best information possible to allow us to make informed decisions.

To our elected representatives: Do not make this into a political football as the prospect of a General Election nears, but do your best to accurately inform and give Dubliners a spectacular bus service as we attempt to meet the challenge of Climate Change.


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