Dublin Commuter Coalition is excited to present a live event: "Beyond the Commute - Sustainable Transport for Life".

When: Thursday 29 June 2023, 6:00pm
Where: In-person at the Academy Plaza Hotel, Dublin 1 and streamed online
What: A live panel discussion, followed by a Q&A with Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan.
Aaron Copeland, Creative Director, A Playful City
Prof. Brian Caufield, Professor in Transportation and Head of Department, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Ciara Murphy, Environmental Policy Advocate, Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
Janis Morrissey, Director of Health Promotion, Information & Training, Irish Heart Foundation
Special Guest:
Eamon Ryan, Minister for Transport
Feljin Jose, Chairperson, Dublin Commuter Coalition (Hosting the Panel Discussion)
Dr Kristin Hadfield, Committee Member, Dublin Commuter Coalition (Hosting the Q&A)
Conor Barry, Treasurer, Dublin Commuter Coalition (MC)
Register: Registration is required and is open to Dublin Commuter Coalition members and anyone else with an interest in this area. Limited spaces are available to attend in-person.
Follow this link to register to attend online: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/dublin-commuter-coalition-presents-beyond-the-commute-online-tickets-667156662537
Follow this link to register to attend in-person: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/dublin-commuter-coalition-presents-beyond-the-commute-tickets-656862833417
To become a member of Dublin Commuter Coalition and get exclusive access to future events, visit: https://www.dublincommuters.ie/become-a-member
Beyond the Commute - Sustainable Transport for Life
As working patterns evolve and climate targets loom, the importance of sustainable transport today extends well beyond the traditional commute to and from work or school.
The speakers will discuss the role of sustainable transport in facilitating all kinds of journeys, for social, recreation, wellbeing or other purposes.
The format of the event will be a panel discussion, followed by a Q&A with Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan. In-person attendees at the event will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Minister (time permitting).